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4 Winter Boat-Storage Mistakes To Avoid

As cooler weather approaches, boating season sadly ends in many parts of the United States. This makes it an important time to start looking into storing your boat for winter, if you own one. By doing so properly, you can protect your boat from potential damage caused by exposure to temperature extremes, snow, and ice. Before you begin your boat storage for the upcoming winter, however, there are a few common mistakes you'll want to be careful to avoid.

Not Removing From Water

Even if you live in an area where temperatures don't normally reach below freezing, it's important to plan for the worst. This means removing your boat completely from the water. Unfortunately, all it takes is one heavy snowfall to weigh your boat down and cause it to sink. If there is even a remote possibility of snow where you live, you need to get your boat out of the water for proper storage. Your insurance likely won't cover damage if your boat wasn't stored properly, after all.

Leaving the Battery

Cold weather can quickly drain a battery, so it's a good idea to completely remove yours from your boat before you store it over the winter. There are even devices you can purchase that you can connect your boat battery to in order to maintain the charge over the cold winter months, regardless of where you store it.

Not Filling the Tank

While it may seem like a good idea to remove all the fuel from your boat's tank before storing it, you'll actually want to do the opposite. Unfortunately, storing a boat in cold weather with an empty or near-empty tank can lead to condensation forming inside the tank, which increases the chances of cracks forming.

Failing to Winterize

Last but not least, make sure you properly winterize your boat if you live in an area that sees especially harsh winters. Winterizing will involve properly shrink-wrapping your boat (or having this done by a professional) so that it is completely protected from the elements. Failing to winterize can leave your boat in a position where it could be damaged by rust and corrosion.

These are just a few of the most common boat storage mistakes that you'll want to avoid this upcoming winter. By avoiding these mistakes and properly storing your boat, it will be ready to take on even the coldest and harshest of weather.